Sunday, September 21, 2014

A little Survey to show contribution

Hello guys, each of you are welcome to take a web development survey to help us improve our site. This will only take a while. You can do the survey using 2 hosts (Google Forms & Survey Monkey). If you're in a hurry then we recommend the Google Forms survey. If you have many spare time than we recommend you doing the Survey Monkey survey because it has more questions we would like to ask you. Here they are:

1/ Survey Monkey:

2/ Google forms:

Thanks for supporting!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How to shorten your links.

Today, I'll show you how to shorten your links so that they can be very short!
There are 3 methods

Method 1:

1/ Go to here : (Wait for 5 seconds and then click skip ad)

2/ Enter password: shortitnow

3/Highlight all the code

4/ Left click the code and then drag it up on to your bookmark bar (If you can't see your bookmark bar then visit this website: )

5/ If you want to change the name of the code then right click it and select "Edit", It will open a frame. Can you see the column that says "Name:"? That's the name of the bookmark. You can change it as whatever you like.

  6/ Done! If you want to short a link then go to the link you want to short and then click on the bookmark. Thanks for paying attention.

Method 2: 

Go to this link:

Change the red part to the link you want to short. 

When you click the link above, it will redirect you to 

a link that has a beginning like this:*****, that's 

your short link. You can share it with your friends.

Thanks for paying attention. Be sure to donate us!