If you want to check it out then here you go:
Ultra Cool Must Have Software's Forum: tecnologyiseasy.cf (not technologyiseasy.tk)
Forum OS: Xenforo 1.3.4
3 stages:
Stage 1:
Constructing, process:
Stage 2:
Uploading, process: 100% (With FileZilla)
Stage 3:
Installing, process: 100%
We're experiencing a crucial error. Our team will try to find the bug. In the mean time, we're sorry and we're giving a small but meaningful version of our forum: our demo to guest:
http://tecnologyiseasy.cf/demoforum which is functioning propperly.
In the moment, we are giving demos that are ready so if you want to see our demo, then email me: pocamaster@gmail.com
For some issues, the live demo will run on Simple Machines Forum 2.0.9, which will be lighter but not better. We hope you would understand.
We'll also give you the way to get a free domain, all you need to do is go to this website: Freenom.com
We'll also give you the way to get a free domain, all you need to do is go to this website: Freenom.com
All packages relating to our Forum(Don't touch this if you don't understand it):
-Forum platform (Xenforo):
Package name: XenForo 1.3.4 - Nulled by VXF.VN 1.3.4
Size: 5.54 MB
Script Info: http://sh.st/owHZ8
Download: http://sh.st/owHLf
-Hosting platforms (Freenom) & (Hostinger):
Freenom: Freenom.com
Hostinger: http://bit.ly/freehostingwithHostinger
To support us, simply promote our site on to blogs, groups so that we can make our Forum even faster and maybe get a .com domain!
To support us, simply promote our site on to blogs, groups so that we can make our Forum even faster and maybe get a .com domain!
Also, I would like to thank all the crackers that had contribute to this website and help our website to get an astonishing 2800 visits, this number is adding up for about 300 each day! Thank you all.
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